1. 1998.09-2002.06,聊城大学,化学教育专业,本科
2. 2002.09-2005.06,北京师范大学,无机化学专业,硕士研究生
3. 2010.09-2013.06,北京师范大学,无机化学专业,博士研究生
1. 2005.07至今,太阳集团城娱8722,教师
1. 横向项目,2019HX092,基于杯芳烃修饰的无纺布铀吸附功能材料研究(与军事医学科学院合作),2019/09-2020/08, 21.7万元,已结题,主持
2. 教研项目:师范专业认证背景下《无机化学》课程教学改革,太阳集团城娱8722教改项目重点课题,2019.05-2021.04, 2万元,已结题,主持
3. 教研项目: 基于2022年版新课标的中学化学教学策略研究,太阳集团城娱8722教师教育专项,2022.09-2024.09,1万元,进行中,主持
1. Ze-Bao Zheng*, Bo-Ying Liu , Ji-Kun Li , Yin-Feng Han, Xue-Song Cao
, Structural diversity and luminescence properties of M(II) complexes based on 4-carboxyphenoxybutanoic acid and N-containing ligands,Journal of Solid State Chemistry . 2022, 316: 123611
2. Ze-Bao Zheng *, Ji-Kun Li , Yin-Feng Han , Zhi-Qiang Shi * , Jian Zuo
, Construction of zinc(II) coordination polymers based on 3-(3-carboxypropoxy)benzoic acid and N-containing ligands for highly sensitive detection of picric acid,Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2021, 516: 120111
3. Ze-Bao Zheng*, Yin-Feng Han, Yan-Qing Ge*, Ji-Chun Cui, Jian Zuo, Kun Nie. Rapid and selective detection of biothiols by novel ruthenium (II) complex-based phosphorescence probes. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2019, 216: 328-334
4. Ze-Bao Zheng*, Jichun Cui, Yinfeng Han,Yanqing Ge, Jian Zuo, Wen-Xin Hao, Development of fast-responsive turn-on phosphorescence probe for biothiols based on ruthenium(II) complex. Analytical Methods,2019, 11: 2341-2350
1. 2022年太阳集团城娱8722教师教学创新大赛,二等奖,第一位,2022.01
2. 太阳集团城娱8722第三届典型教学案例,二等奖,第一位,2022.12
3. 太阳集团城娱8722优秀科研成果奖,基于钌(II)配合物的高选择性生物硫醇磷光探针的设计合成与性质,三等奖,第一位, 2020.12
太阳集团城娱8722优秀科研成果奖,基于钌(II)配合物的铜离子和氰根离子连续检测化学传感器,三等奖,第一位, 2019.12